Don't Invest Online Without Knowing This!

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Don't Invest Online Without Knowing This!

Don't Invest Online Without Knowing This!

Pain Versus Pleasure

I have been posting and writing articles on the methods for making money online, But it would be unfair if I didn't let you know this, in order not to be frustrated along the line because nothing good comes easy, I wanted to address the role of pain versus pleasure.

Every decision that we make in life is weighed on a pain-versus-pleasure scale. We will always do more to avoid pain than we will to gain pleasure, plain and simple. However, this is also what holds us back from succeeding in any endeavor.

Related: You can make 6 Figure with this method if you stay committed to it.

Let me explain...

Now, making money online should seem like a pleasurable activity. Why wouldn't we do just about anything to see things through, since it would be a major source of pleasure, right? Wrong. In the beginning, like anything else, we might get really excited about it. We might also set our hopes very high. But that all comes crashing down when we begin to fail. 

 The problem? To make serious amounts of money online, you need to do the most amount of work for the least initial return, not the least amount of work for the greatest return. Translation — major amounts of pain. That's also the problem with how affiliate marketers, network marketers, and IMs attempt to sell you the "dream," so to speak.

When people buy into the hype, they set their expectations extremely high. All they need to do is send a few emails out, and voila, instant millions overnight. Well, clearly it doesn't quite work like that. The issue at heart is that we will always do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure in the short term, not in the long term. That's why it's so hard to quit bad habits or do anything else that requires any semblance of struggle. The human mind is hardwired to avoid pain in the short term, not in the long term.

It's part of our survival instinct, However, you can easily overcome this in the long term as long as you set your expectations the right way. So have a positive mindset as you begin, dedicate your time and effort to doing it, having it in mind no matter the outcome I am not giving up, but always be ready for new innovation.

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