Ways To Monetize Your Blog And Smile To The Bank

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Ways To Monetize Your Blog And Smile To The Bank

Blogging has rapidly picked up today, Making it one of the main avenues of making money online, for those who understand the basics of internet marketing, And are smart enough to monetize their content with the information they were able to get a hold of, You too can join the league of bloggers who made fortune online blogging about what you know, And passionate about.

Maybe you are a new blogger, you started blogging about what you are passionate about with the intent of making money. You have a message. You have a passion. And so you begin, Then you quickly learn that blogging can also be a source of income, and you want to earn money with your blog, and you don't know where to start or how to begin earning money from your blog, am glad you are here for purpose of research pay attention take away anything that will distract you and read on to the end, because you will be glad you did.

When you want to learn how to do something, look to someone who is already doing what you want to do — and doing it well. Learn from them, pick their brain, and emulate what they do, I’m sorry to tell you this first, but to make any money from your blog you need to invest a lot in it. By investing, I mean not only some money but a lot of time and effort. A successful blog doesn’t happen overnight. Building your brand might take a few months, others a few years, and some never make it. Making a career from blogging takes perseverance, sacrifice, and most likely a pay cut.

Once your blog is up and running, here is a tool you can use right away to generate online income.

Getting paid for your blog can happen in many ways. Since you are just getting started, let’s focus on one simple monetization technique that’s easy to use. This tool is not complicated. Keep reading if you want to make money blogging right away. Okay, let me introduce you to Google Adsense…

Run Ads on Your Blog

Now, don’t freak out here. Running ads is the most common way people earn income from blogs. Bloggers who have ads on their site get paid every time someone clicks on these ads. So don’t worry, ads on your blog are pretty simple to set up.

How Do You Set Up Ads on Your Blog?

Having ads on your blog doesn’t mean you have to spend time looking for advertisers. You can pick one of many programs out there that do all the leg work for you. The service for placing ads on a blog that I recommend is called Google Adsense. Even if you are new to blogging, you probably know that Google is a huge internet company that spans the globe. 

They have connections with possibly millions of advertisers. With Google Adsense, you get access to all the Google relationships they’ve made with advertisers enabling you to place ads from these corporate connections on your blog. In a matter of minutes, you will start to receive a portion of the commissions these advertisers make when people click on the ads.

Google Adsense is simple to set up and 100% FREE. 

You will want to start with Google Adsense because it’s quick and easy to use. But keep in mind that as your blog audience multiplies, your options for using ads for income will get even better. Shoot for three hundred thousand visitors per month to your blog. (Great content will help you get there.) You’ll get excited about your options after that. But for now, Google Adsense is a great starting point.

How Does Google Adsense Pay You?

You have two ways to get paid. Getting a check in the mail is one option. Or, they can directly deposit your earnings straight to your bank account. Direct deposit is always the easiest and quickest way to go. The deposit comes in at the end of every month.

How You Can Give Yourself a Raise with Google Adsense

Earning a higher income is pretty simple…just get more traffic to your blog. Somewhere between 1-10% of your blog visitors will click an ad. This varies according to the blog topic, but whatever your blog is about, you will see over time how consistently this plays out. Every month. For example, consider your earnings if 3% of your blog visitors click an ad. 

At 3%, if you have 20,000 visitors in a month, you will generate 600 clicks. Now suppose your blog audience grew to 100,000 visitors per month, you would generate 3,000 clicks. See how this works? If you are diligent in building your blog audience, your income from ads will increase exponentially. The time taken to build up traffic provides huge amounts of satisfaction in the long run.

Pay Rate Does Google Adsense Offer?

Again, your blog topic will play a major part in the return you receive per click. Google Adsense has paid out rates of $0.05 per click all the way up to $20 per click and beyond. For new bloggers starting out, you are probably going to earn $0.20 to $0.50 per click. Using Google Adsense is pretty much a numbers game…but that’s true with all advertising to some degree. Filling your blog with great content will definitely put the odds more in your favor.


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