Mistakes Investors Do While Investing Online

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Mistakes Investors Do While Investing Online

Mistakes Investors Do While Investing Online

Like all new business owners, you want to have an awesome, effective online presence that brings in new business and opportunities every day.

But it’s hard to know exactly how to put together your online strategy when there is so much ‘noise’ out there from those with vested interests in selling ‘stuff’ that most new business owners don’t need, or that doesn’t deliver any real returns on your investment.

Here are three mistakes I’ve seen new business owners make online over and over again, and how to avoid them.

Mistake 1 – Spending too much on a website.

If you’re thinking about spending big bucks on a website – STOP! In 90% of cases, using a free website platform is more than adequate for what you need.

Let me explain.

Every website has a front end and a back end’. The front end is the bit you can see – the pages, text, images, and so on. The ‘back end’ is the bit you can’t see – it’s what organizes your website content and allows the content to be presented the way you want it to. The ‘back-end’ is commonly called a ‘CMS’ or content management system. 

The good news is that there are two very popular, free CMS platforms used by millions of people all over the world. One is WordPress, and the other is Joomla.

Use one of these free CMS platforms and you can avoid paying someone to ‘reinvent the wheel’, dramatically reducing your website development costs. Plus you get the built-in advantage of Google ‘loving’ your website because you are using a CMS that is search engine optimized out of the box.

Mistake 2 – Thinking that having a website is the end of your online strategy.

A great website is the start, not the end, of your online strategy.
Don’t make the mistake some new business owners make in thinking that once you have a website, traffic will ‘magically’ flow through. It won’t.

You need to drive traffic to your website, by targeting organic search traffic, advertising, or both. A good online marketing plan will provide you with a clear focus and direction to generate new inquiries and new business, within the framework of your limited budgets and resources.

Mistake 3 – Not having a marketing plan to leverage your limited budget.

The vast majority of new businesses start without a marketing plan. This is a big mistake. The problem is that your marketing budget is limited, but successfully positioning and marketing your business is critical to your long-term success.

That’s why you need to take the time to speak to professionals and properly plan out how you are going to make the most of your marketing budget, and how you are going to deliver the best business results for the money you invest.

In a competitive business environment leverage is everything, Take your time to browse through various means by which you can take advantage of the internet and turn your financial status around, knowing the programs you can get committed to doing very well.

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