Become A Social Media Manager...

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Social media is waxing stronger, different platforms increasing day by day than ever. According to statistic figures, 19.96 billion people use social media platforms around the world, and the number is expected to reach 2.5 billion by the end of 2018. The number of internet users is on a constant rise, and around the world, 85% of people who use the internet have at least one social media profile.

This shows the power of social media. People use social media platforms for a number of reasons. Some use social media to stay in touch with friends while some use it to get access to news and latest happenings. However, according to new reports, a large portion of users are using social media to make money online. with this you too can, if only you can take advantage of it.

What you’ll Need To become a Social Media Manager. :

Experience in communications, journalism, public relations or marketing skills gives you a leg up. What’s most important is a facility with social media so that you can communicate with consumers to build brand awareness and drive traffic to a company’s website, tweet about special deals and keep a company’s Facebook page current. For $25 per month, you can access courses in social media marketing at Lynda.

How to get started: Show potential bosses your Web skills by including links to your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts on your resume. Maintain active, creative social accounts. If there is a cause you support, highlight it on your Facebook page and Twitter feed. Show how you created links to relevant stories and gained followers. Submit your resume to sites such as jobsinsocialmedia and elance.

Expect to earn: $10 to $25 per hour. But some pros get as much as $75.

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